Thursday, October 2, 2014

First goal down! Plus, progress update.

When I checked my goals to get myself motivated for the day, it turns out that I had a lot more blog posts already written than I thought I had when I wrote my
"Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr" goal #28, so that was is already complete! I would add another, but I think it's better to allow myself this little unintentional win.

38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

Well, if these entries count, I've been doing well on this goal, but I feel like I'm not writing a "real journal" because I hold back just a bit because this is online and available for all. So I think that I need to not  consider this blog a journal.

6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

I am going to take today off of working out. My wrists, hips, and back are pretty sore from working out so much the past few days. I'm going to a dance party tonight, so I will get a little mellow recovery in.

I borrowed a Triathlete magazine from the cardio room at the Y, and I looked over the program they have that takes you from sofa to a sprint triathlon in 9 weeks, which I think will work great. I have two potential tri options for 2015, one the first week of June and one mid-July, based on previous years' races.  So I could potentially start "real" training the last week of March or mid-April.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)

I haven't pursued offering readings for money yet, but I am still going to Aeclectic pretty regularly for reading exchanges. I did 3 oracle deck readings for real people I know, and I have practiced on my husband a few times. Unlike a lot of readers, I think that I enjoy and learn a lot from reading for myself, too.  I've starting consulting the deck a little bit more frequently for "small" concerns and decisions, and by doing that, I will be more skilled and ready to read for bigger concerns and decisions.  I don't want to feel like I have to run to the cards every time I make a decision. I like to trust my feelings, desires, and intuition, but frequent readings are strengthening me as a reader, so I am okay with a little over reliance on the deck for now.

4.  Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)

I am making strides toward this, in that I am becoming a more public member of the pagan community in my city. I

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