Saturday, July 22, 2023

Remaining Goals!

I have eliminated some that are not mathematically possible or I didn't want to do anymore, so I have narrowed it down to these remaining five, maybe four.

1. Skydive
I still want to do this, and I am planning to do it some time in the spring. I would like to do this pretty close to my birthday.

2. Get a tattoo
I do still want to do this, and I am planning on doing it. I am planning on getting a wild strawberry on my right wrist on Friday, September 29th on an Aries full moon.

3. Visit a Hindu temple
I emailed them, and you can just stop by whenever they're open, so I will go sometime soon.

4. Attend a Jewish service
The local synagogue didn't email me back, so I might table this one for a while.

5. Attend a Muslim service
The local center emailed me back and suggested that I come to a Friday afternoon service; I have been busy the Fridays since I received that email, but I am adding it to my calendar the next free Friday afternoon that I have.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

39 years old!

In January, I updated my 40 by 40 to only include the following tasks:

1. Skydive
2. Take a ballroom dancing class with new husband
3. Get a tattoo
4. Visit a Hindu temple
5. Go on an international vacation with new husband
6. Attend a Jewish service
7. Attend a Muslim service
8. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year 
9. Be able to do 10 full body chin-ups continuously with good form
10. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

Well, I did one! Mike and I took a ballroom dancing class in 2023, so that is over!

Now comes the sticky part - the two daily habits. It would be impossible to turn in a fully complete journal and have a fully complete daily meditation practice by the time I turn 40 because I have missed a few days since May 13. So I am going to adjust those goals.

Goal by Goal notes:

1. Skydive
 I found a place where I can skydive for about $350 for a tandem jump on a weekday with a video near Cleveland. I just need to budget it and book it. I am really focused on my business and saving money right now, so I am going to purposefully schedule this one for the last minute; I want to do it to celebrate my 40th. So in 2024, I could do it on Thursday May 9 or Friday May 10! I am putting it on my calendar now and adding the savings plan to my budget. (Yeah, it's not that much money, but I am all about a zero-based budget and being super intentional with my money.)

2. Take a ballroom dancing class with new husband
Mike and I did this one! We had a lot of fun and would like to take another class in the fall.

3. Get a tattoo
I just need to schedule and book this one. I have the design already. I put it on my budget and calendar for near Valentine's Day 2024.

4. Visit a Hindu temple
I just sent an email to a local temple and will visit at an appropriate time if possible. I put a reminder in my calendar to follow up in a week.

5. Go on an international vacation with my new husband
Due to my financial goals, I think that Canada is the best option. Mike and I briefly discussed it, and I put it on my calendar to follow up with him.

6. Attend a Jewish service
Sadly, this is harder to do because of rampant antisemitism. Security increased at Jewish places of worship after the Tree of Life shooting, and I don't want to make anyone feel unsafe or uncomfortable in my presence. I emailed the local Reform temple (synagogue?) and asked for guidance.

7. Attend a Muslim service
I sent a similar email to a local Muslim center for guidance about how to go about attending a service or learning more without being disruptive or disrespectful. I am waiting to hear back.

8. Keep a journal daily for one year
Impossible! But I am keeping a daily magical diary for the Charm School project, so I am going to adjust to that goal.

9. Be able to do 10 full body chin-ups continuously with good form
I am canceling this, I hurt my right shoulder, and although it feels good most days, even a pushup or downward dog can reinjure it, so I am going to let go of this one.

10. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year
Impossible! But I would like to work toward this one in a smaller way. I am going to try for a shorter period of time. I am currently reading Badass Habits and I just finished rereading Atomic Habits, and I am working on establishing a meditation habit.

Friday, January 20, 2023

2023 Update - clock is ticking

Some of my original 40 by 40 I did (see the check marks below!) Some of my list I kind of did; I did do a 200 hour yoga teacher training program, but I moved at the end and didn't finish all the steps to officially graduate. Some I am just not interested in doing anymore (vegan ravioli and a sprint triathlon) and some I would like to do someday, but I am not making a priority by the time I turn 40 (stay in Oaxaca for three weeks.) I am planning to update this whole  blog to focus on my Saturn return. After I turn 40 and finish this list, I want to do some goal setting and planning for my next Saturn return. Notably, my first Saturn return was 2013, around the time when I started this blog. Wow.

Current list
1. Skydive
2. Take a ballroom dancing class with new husband
3. Get a tattoo
4. Visit a Hindu temple
5. Go on an international vacation with new husband
6. Attend a Jewish service
7. Attend a Muslim service
8. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year 
9. Be able to do 10 full body chin-ups continuously with good form
10. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

Original list now annotated

I would like to accomplish the following 40 things before my 40th birthday on May 13, 2024.
  1. Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization.
  2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading) ✅
  3. Skydive
  4. Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)✅
  5. Buy a house✅
  6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours
  7. Become a certified yoga instructor
  8. Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group
  9. Earn my doctorate
  10. Become an official Unitarian Universalist✅
  11. Perform a wedding or handfasting
  12. Earn my Masters of Divinity, probably through Cherry Hill Seminary
  13. Direct a play ✅
  14. Lead an ecstatic dance meeting✅
  15. Publish a chapbook or book of my poetry (self-pub counts)
  16. Go to the Reclaiming Spiral Dance in San Francisco
  17. Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)
  18. Visit Walt Whitman's grave. Read him some poetry and leave him some lilacs.
  19. Be in Mexico (ideally at la Casa Azul) for Dia de los muertos
  20. Get my second dream job
  21. Eat food I harvested from my home garden✅
  22. Take a ballroom (or similar) style course with a partner (for at least one month)
  23. Get a tattoo
  24. Stay in Oaxaca for at least 3 weeks
  25. Go to Pagan Spirit Gathering
  26. Make homemade vegan ravioli
  27. Visit a Hindu temple
  28. Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr)
  29. Go on an international vacation with my husband
  30. Make a will and include my church in it
  31. Make a delicious vegan creme brulee
  32. Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house✅
  33. Create a labyrinth (either for my use or public use)✅
  34. Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology
  35. Attend a Jewish service (respectfully)
  36. Attend a Muslim service (respectfully)
  37. Complete The Artist's Way✅
  38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year
  39. Be able to do 10 full-body chin-ups continuously with good form
  40. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

Sunday, December 16, 2018

2018 Update!

Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization.-cancelled! These organizations are not good. 

Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)-done!


Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)-done! (Gard Wicca 2017 1st, 2nd in 2018)

Buy a house-done!

Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

Become a certified yoga instructor

Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group-cancelled 

Earn my doctorate

Become an official Unitarian Universalist-done!

Perform a wedding or handfasting

Earn my Masters of Divinity, probably through Cherry Hill Seminary

Direct a play-done!

Lead an ecstatic dance meeting-done!

Publish a chapbook or book of my poetry (self-pub counts)

Go to the Reclaiming Spiral Dance in San Francisco

Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)

Visit Walt Whitman's grave. Read him some poetry and leave him some lilacs.

Be in Mexico (ideally at la Casa Azul) for Dia de los muertos

Get my second dream job

Eat food I harvested from my home garden-done!

Take a ballroom (or similar) style course with a partner (for at least one month)

Get a tattoo-cancelled 

Stay in Oaxaca for at least 3 weeks

Go to Pagan Spirit Gathering

Make homemade vegan ravioli

Visit a Hindu temple

Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr)

Go on an international vacation with my husband

Make a will and include my church in it-cancelled! I left the church. 

Make a delicious vegan creme brulee

Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house-done!

Create a labyrinth (either for my use or public use)

Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology

Attend a Jewish service (respectfully)

Attend a Muslim service (respectfully)

Complete The Artist's Way -done!

Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

Be able to do 10 full-body chin-ups continuously with good form

Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

Saturday, April 9, 2016


So, here's an update:

Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization.) deleted
None of these organizations seemed reputable. My true goal is to become proficient at reading tarot cards. I will update this goal to reflect that.

Read tarot cards or oracle cards (7/15/2015 edit) professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading) deleted
 I'm no longer interested in reading cards for money. This goal was to prove to myself that I was a "real" reader, but this goal no longer serves me, and will be updated.

Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)
-An open group that I am a part of created a small, initiatory sub-group, which we call a coven. We performed a group formation and initiation ritual last September, and we are initiating a new member tomorrow. However, we are a pagan group, not really a Wiccan or NeoWiccan group, and I would still like to initiate into another group so that I can learn more. I don't know if I can manage membership in two groups simultaneously, and I am devoted to my coven. I am still considering the semi-local ATC group, but for now, I am going to content myself with their open monthly full moon rituals.

Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group deleted
-I am no longer interested in this work. I'm finding that keeping caged animals as pets interests me less and less, and I don't think I would enjoy rescue work. I will create a new goal in this one's place.

Perform a wedding or handfasting major rite of passage (edited)
-I would love to perform a pagan wedding, but I am content for it to be another of life's rites of passage.

Direct a play completed! 12/15 and 3/16!
I directed two plays since I last updated this list. I would do it again, but not under the circumstances that these two shows had.

Lead an ecstatic dance meeting
-Our ecstatic dance group disbanded, but I am coordinating a reunion meeting, potentially to be held in June.

Get my second dream job completed! 5/15
-It's been a bit of a wild ride, and I was plagued with some lingering doubts, but I am now in my eighth month in my second dream job, and although it isn't perfect, it is right for me.

Eat food I harvested from my home garden completed! Summer 2015
-I planted and harvested tomatoes, peppers, parsley, and basil last year. This year, I am planting Brussels sprouts, carrots, pumpkins, and some witchy herbs.

Get a tattoo deleted!
-I am no longer interested in this goal. Another one will need to take it's place

Go to Pagan Spirit Gathering modified. Attended GGG 9/15 and attending Heartland 5/16
-Gaia Goddess Gathering was great; I plan to make it an annual occurrence, barring any major, life-altering barriers. I am attending Heartland this year, and if I enjoy it, I will also make it an annual occurrence. I love festivals. I'd like to make it to PSG someday, but for some reason, that week just never seems to work out for me.

Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house
-I should be able to make this one happen this year.

Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology deleted
Cross Quarterly is indefinitely suspended. It was too much work for me to handle with Allec. We needed more contributors, and it was difficult to get them.

Complete The Artist's Way completed! summer/fall 2015
A group of friends completed it together in a creative cluster last summer. We had such a wonderful time that we are meeting again this summer to work through Vein of Gold.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

End of summer megapost

 1. Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization)
 I have an idea for an oracle deck and an idea for a tarot deck, so I think creating my own deck is my new goal.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)
I created an Etsy account, and I am going to talk to the local shops about doing readings with my Halloween Oracle deck in September/October.

3. Skydive
Maybe next year.

4. Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)

 I went to an open full moon ritual for a local coven, and I loved it. I'm going to hang around for a year at open rituals and see what happens.

5. Buy a house COMPLETED!

6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

I've been swimming a lot. I'm trying to lose a little weight before I put in too many running miles; rough on the joints. I need to get new tires on my bike.

7. Become a certified yoga instructor.
Not this year, but when I'm done with my master's

8. Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group

 Once my kitty has gone to the sunny window in the sky, we'll see.

9. Earn my doctorate.

 Applied for an MFA program

10. Become an official Unitarian Universalist  COMPLETED!

11. Perform a wedding or handfasting

 Someday. I'm not going to force it.

12. Earn my Masters of Divinity, probably through Cherry Hill Seminary

After my MFA (or maybe after my doctorate), I will get started on this.

13. Direct a play

I have something in the works, all very tentative, for February.

14. Lead an ecstatic dance meeting

 This dance group fell apart because we couldn't afford the rent on the weekly space at the yoga studio. We still exist, but are not meeting. I am thinking of starting my own monthly ecstatic dance group, but I am going to wait until winter.

15. Publish a chapbook or book of my poetry (self-pub counts)

 I am waiting to hear back on my MFA status, but I am editing a poetry collection for a non-profit in town that we are self-publishing. I don't think it "counts" for this goal, but it is exciting!!

16. Go to the Reclaiming Spiral Dance in San Francisco

 Some year, but not this year.

17. Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)

 I checked out a book with CDs from the library. I need to burn them...

18. Visit Walt Whitman's grave. Read him some poetry and leave him some lilacs.


19. Be in Mexico (ideally at la Casa Azul) for Dia de los muertos

This is a must. A must!!!! Someday.

20. Get my second dream job

I am in a new position! I don't know if it's my forever job, but I can already tell that I will be much happier there, and it will allow me to work on my MFA and excel more on the job, whereas my old position was challenging, demanding, and rewarding on many levels, but the amount of content creation in Spanish and translation/interpretation work really impeded me from accomplishing what I want to do professionally, long-term. I was busy, but I wasn't busy about the right things. I think that I may be at my dream job, but I want to wait a year to mark this off.

21. Eat food I harvested from my home garden

So far, I have planted calendula (not exactly "food"), Italian leaf parsley, tomatoes (traditional, Amish paste, and beefsteak), basil, red bell peppers, and yellow bell peppers. A friend whose community garden project went kaput gave me a ton of plants. I just need to eat one to make this goal a success. The tomatoes are tiny little green balls right now. I ate a leaf of basil once...

22. Take a ballroom (or similar) style course with a partner (for at least one month)

No progress to report.

23. Get a tattoo

 I reinstated this goal. I have 2 tattoo ideas, one that I'm getting with 2 gal friends next month, and another that I want to get with my spouse in a couple years.

24. Stay in Oaxaca for at least 3 weeks

No current plans to make this a reality.

25. Go to  Pagan Spirit Gathering  Gaea Goddess Gathering

 It's good that I didn't go to PSG this year because it got flooded out! I am leading a workshop and attending Gaea Goddess Gathering this year, so I am altering this goal to a different festival. :)

26. Make homemade vegan ravioli

 Someday soon!

27. Visit a Hindu temple

I got in touch with our local temple, but I wasn't able to go when the tour was available. Soon!

28. Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr) completed 10/1/2014

29. Go on an international vacation with my husband

 Someday! Might need to wait till after grad school.

30. Make a will and include my church in it

I don't have many assets to speak of at the moment, but I will get to this before my 40th birthday.

31. Make a delicious vegan creme brulee CANCELLED
I'm getting real about recovering from an eating disorder, and

32. Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house

 Facebook invitation is out. I have a show that day, so it will be a late party, but it will be a big one!

33. Create a labyrinth (either for my use or public use)

My husband and I discussed this, and I think that a backyard labyrinth, at least a permanent one, is out of the picture. We are going to put in a brick circle instead. I may try to get my church or another group to create one. I could do a temporary labyrinth for sure, and that would still count.<--This is still the case.

34. Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology
Reinstated! I have figured out a less time intensive, more dialogue-friendly format for the zine.

35. Attend a Jewish service (respectfully) and 36. Attend a Muslim service (respectfully)


37. Complete The Artist's Way 

I'm in week 4.

38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

 When I finish AW, I will start this.

39. Be able to do 10 full-body chin-ups continuously with good form

#epicfail I will be able to do this someday, but eek. Not today!<--Same!

40. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

I'm still getting into a regular practice. My Insight Timer app helps keep track!<--Same

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Goal by goal megapost update

 1. Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization)

After discussing this with the folks at Aeclectic, I am not sure that there is a tarot certification program that I want to be involved with. This goal is being changed. I am still not sure what I want it to be. I think that I might like to create my own deck and "little white book," but I don't know.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)

I'm not making much progress on this.

3. Skydive

I wanted to do this for my birthday this year, but we bought a house (!), so I am tabling it for a bit.

4. Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)

I am still interested, but this might need to wait for a while. I am pursing JL membership this year, and then if my application is accepted, I will be working on my MFA for the two years after that, so I might need to wait for a bit in order to devote enough time. My UU group and Goddess friends are enough for now.

5. Buy a house COMPLETED!

We closed May 15th! It is my Witchy Wonderland, and I love it. I am posting all about my homeownership adventures on my new blog. Yes, I started another one to neglect.

6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

I started working out regularly doing Zumba and yoga, but I don't think I will be ready for a sprint this summer. Maybe next summer. I need to refurbish my garage sale Huffy and put in some hours in the pool in preparation.

7. Become a certified yoga instructor.

There's an accelerated program in town that I like, but I am waiting a bit.

8. Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group

My husband is still adjusting to the two gerbils I brought home. We'll see. This might be a retirement project.

9. Earn my doctorate.

I completed my statement of intent and manuscript for an MFA program. The next step after that can be my doctorate or my Masters of Divinity.

10. Become an official Unitarian Universalist

I joined and pledged. I'm on a hospitality team and a team that feeds people in our area.

11. Perform a wedding or handfasting

No movement on this. I can only hope! My two pagan couple friends had other plans, and another Gaelic polytheist friend wants to do a handfasting without my assistance. It's all good. It will happen some day. I'm not going to try to force it.

12. Earn my Masters of Divinity, probably through Cherry Hill Seminary

After my MFA (or maybe after my doctorate), I will get started on this.

13. Direct a play

I have something in the works, all very tentative, for February.

14. Lead an ecstatic dance meeting

Ooh, I've fallen out of this habit. I need to get back into it. The problem is that the dance group meets during my church hours, so I end up missing it. I just need to make time at least once a month to go. It is a delight.

15. Publish a chapbook or book of my poetry (self-pub counts)

I will get there. I am applying to an MFA program in order to write more poetry, and I will definitely have enough to finish when that is through.

16. Go to the Reclaiming Spiral Dance in San Francisco

I want to go! This year, I am throwing a big Halloween party, so it will need to wait for another year.

17. Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)

I was doing the Duolingo app pretty regularly at first (for Italian), but I have gotten out of the habit. I think that a Pimsleur-style audio lesson that I could listen to on my phone while I garden, work out, and so on might be a good way to get started. To get serious, I will need to take a class.

18. Visit Walt Whitman's grave. Read him some poetry and leave him some lilacs.

Someday. A couple friends say they'd like to go with me on his birthday.

19. Be in Mexico (ideally at la Casa Azul) for Dia de los muertos

This is a must. A must.

20. Get my second dream job

I am in a new position! I don't know if it's my forever job, but I can already tell that I will be much happier there, and it will allow me to work on my MFA and excel more on the job, whereas my old position was challenging, demanding, and rewarding on many levels, but the amount of content creation in Spanish and translation/interpretation work really impeded me from accomplishing what I want to do professionally, long-term. I was busy, but I wasn't busy about the right things. I think that I may be at my dream job, but I want to wait a year to mark this off.

21. Eat food I harvested from my home garden

So far, I have planted calendula (not exactly "food"), Italian leaf parsley, tomatoes (traditional, Amish paste, and beefsteak), basil, red bell peppers, and yellow bell peppers. A friend whose community garden project went kaput gave me a ton of plants. I just need to eat one to make this goal a success.

22. Take a ballroom (or similar) style course with a partner (for at least one month)

No progress to report.

23. Get a tattoo

I don't want one. I'm going to set a new goal 23.

24. Stay in Oaxaca for at least 3 weeks

No current plans to make this a reality.

25. Go to Pagan Spirit Gathering

Not this year, but maybe next!

26. Make homemade vegan ravioli

The machine is in storage. I can make this happen by the end of the summer for sure!

27. Visit a Hindu temple

I got in touch with our local temple, but I wasn't able to go when the tour was available. Soon!

28. Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr) completed 10/1/2014

29. Go on an international vacation with my husband

We're waiting for a while. We like to keep 5 figures liquid in the bank at all times, and we are below that due to our recent home purchase. Once the emergency fund is back at a comfortable level, we want to finally go on a honeymoon.

30. Make a will and include my church in it

I don't have many assets to speak of at the moment, but I will get to this before my 40th birthday.

31. Make a delicious vegan creme brulee

I hope to get to this soon. I have a torch that's getting dusty.

32. Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house

The Facebook invitation is already out, I have decided on how to decorate the house, I have over 400 ideas on Pinterest, and I know that I want to be either Ursula from The Little Mermaid or a vintage, DC comics Wonder Woman. I think it will be giant, and it will be at my house, but how "insanely fun" it is remains to be seen.

33. Create a labyrinth (either for my use or public use)

My husband and I discussed this, and I think that a backyard labyrinth, at least a permanent one, is out of the picture. We are going to put in a brick circle instead. I may try to get my church or another group to create one. I could do a temporary labyrinth for sure, and that would still count.

34. Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology

The zine is on the chopping block. I will need to revise this goal.

35. Attend a Jewish service (respectfully) and 36. Attend a Muslim service (respectfully)


37. Complete The Artist's Way

For accountability, I am facilitating an Artist's Way group over the summer. I should actually finish the whole thing this time!

38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

Oh, gosh. I hope that my daily pages from The Artist's Way can lead me to that. I should get started now, because this could get so easily derailed by one day off!

39. Be able to do 10 full-body chin-ups continuously with good form

#epicfail I will be able to do this someday, but eek. Not today!

40. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

I'm still getting into a regular practice. My Insight Timer app helps keep track!