Saturday, April 9, 2016


So, here's an update:

Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization.) deleted
None of these organizations seemed reputable. My true goal is to become proficient at reading tarot cards. I will update this goal to reflect that.

Read tarot cards or oracle cards (7/15/2015 edit) professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading) deleted
 I'm no longer interested in reading cards for money. This goal was to prove to myself that I was a "real" reader, but this goal no longer serves me, and will be updated.

Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)
-An open group that I am a part of created a small, initiatory sub-group, which we call a coven. We performed a group formation and initiation ritual last September, and we are initiating a new member tomorrow. However, we are a pagan group, not really a Wiccan or NeoWiccan group, and I would still like to initiate into another group so that I can learn more. I don't know if I can manage membership in two groups simultaneously, and I am devoted to my coven. I am still considering the semi-local ATC group, but for now, I am going to content myself with their open monthly full moon rituals.

Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group deleted
-I am no longer interested in this work. I'm finding that keeping caged animals as pets interests me less and less, and I don't think I would enjoy rescue work. I will create a new goal in this one's place.

Perform a wedding or handfasting major rite of passage (edited)
-I would love to perform a pagan wedding, but I am content for it to be another of life's rites of passage.

Direct a play completed! 12/15 and 3/16!
I directed two plays since I last updated this list. I would do it again, but not under the circumstances that these two shows had.

Lead an ecstatic dance meeting
-Our ecstatic dance group disbanded, but I am coordinating a reunion meeting, potentially to be held in June.

Get my second dream job completed! 5/15
-It's been a bit of a wild ride, and I was plagued with some lingering doubts, but I am now in my eighth month in my second dream job, and although it isn't perfect, it is right for me.

Eat food I harvested from my home garden completed! Summer 2015
-I planted and harvested tomatoes, peppers, parsley, and basil last year. This year, I am planting Brussels sprouts, carrots, pumpkins, and some witchy herbs.

Get a tattoo deleted!
-I am no longer interested in this goal. Another one will need to take it's place

Go to Pagan Spirit Gathering modified. Attended GGG 9/15 and attending Heartland 5/16
-Gaia Goddess Gathering was great; I plan to make it an annual occurrence, barring any major, life-altering barriers. I am attending Heartland this year, and if I enjoy it, I will also make it an annual occurrence. I love festivals. I'd like to make it to PSG someday, but for some reason, that week just never seems to work out for me.

Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house
-I should be able to make this one happen this year.

Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology deleted
Cross Quarterly is indefinitely suspended. It was too much work for me to handle with Allec. We needed more contributors, and it was difficult to get them.

Complete The Artist's Way completed! summer/fall 2015
A group of friends completed it together in a creative cluster last summer. We had such a wonderful time that we are meeting again this summer to work through Vein of Gold.

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