Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Goal 10 done!

10. Become an official Unitarian Universalist - DONE
I signed the book at my church Sunday. I am a Unitarian officially now.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)

I'm working through Mary Greer's book 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card using my oracle deck. I did some readings at my UU pagan group on our divination night, and I've been doing at least a few tarot or oracle deck readings each week since I started using Aeclectic again.

17. Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)

I'm still picking. So far, it seems like Italian is winning. I'm been listening to Disney songs in Italian to get my ear used to the language.

37.  Complete The Artist's Way
Just did my second set of morning pages this morning.

38 Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year.
I'm counting my morning pages and tarot work for Greer's book as a journal.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

First goal down! Plus, progress update.

When I checked my goals to get myself motivated for the day, it turns out that I had a lot more blog posts already written than I thought I had when I wrote my
"Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr" goal #28, so that was is already complete! I would add another, but I think it's better to allow myself this little unintentional win.

38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

Well, if these entries count, I've been doing well on this goal, but I feel like I'm not writing a "real journal" because I hold back just a bit because this is online and available for all. So I think that I need to not  consider this blog a journal.

6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

I am going to take today off of working out. My wrists, hips, and back are pretty sore from working out so much the past few days. I'm going to a dance party tonight, so I will get a little mellow recovery in.

I borrowed a Triathlete magazine from the cardio room at the Y, and I looked over the program they have that takes you from sofa to a sprint triathlon in 9 weeks, which I think will work great. I have two potential tri options for 2015, one the first week of June and one mid-July, based on previous years' races.  So I could potentially start "real" training the last week of March or mid-April.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)

I haven't pursued offering readings for money yet, but I am still going to Aeclectic pretty regularly for reading exchanges. I did 3 oracle deck readings for real people I know, and I have practiced on my husband a few times. Unlike a lot of readers, I think that I enjoy and learn a lot from reading for myself, too.  I've starting consulting the deck a little bit more frequently for "small" concerns and decisions, and by doing that, I will be more skilled and ready to read for bigger concerns and decisions.  I don't want to feel like I have to run to the cards every time I make a decision. I like to trust my feelings, desires, and intuition, but frequent readings are strengthening me as a reader, so I am okay with a little over reliance on the deck for now.

4.  Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)

I am making strides toward this, in that I am becoming a more public member of the pagan community in my city. I