Thursday, June 1, 2023

39 years old!

In January, I updated my 40 by 40 to only include the following tasks:

1. Skydive
2. Take a ballroom dancing class with new husband
3. Get a tattoo
4. Visit a Hindu temple
5. Go on an international vacation with new husband
6. Attend a Jewish service
7. Attend a Muslim service
8. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year 
9. Be able to do 10 full body chin-ups continuously with good form
10. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

Well, I did one! Mike and I took a ballroom dancing class in 2023, so that is over!

Now comes the sticky part - the two daily habits. It would be impossible to turn in a fully complete journal and have a fully complete daily meditation practice by the time I turn 40 because I have missed a few days since May 13. So I am going to adjust those goals.

Goal by Goal notes:

1. Skydive
 I found a place where I can skydive for about $350 for a tandem jump on a weekday with a video near Cleveland. I just need to budget it and book it. I am really focused on my business and saving money right now, so I am going to purposefully schedule this one for the last minute; I want to do it to celebrate my 40th. So in 2024, I could do it on Thursday May 9 or Friday May 10! I am putting it on my calendar now and adding the savings plan to my budget. (Yeah, it's not that much money, but I am all about a zero-based budget and being super intentional with my money.)

2. Take a ballroom dancing class with new husband
Mike and I did this one! We had a lot of fun and would like to take another class in the fall.

3. Get a tattoo
I just need to schedule and book this one. I have the design already. I put it on my budget and calendar for near Valentine's Day 2024.

4. Visit a Hindu temple
I just sent an email to a local temple and will visit at an appropriate time if possible. I put a reminder in my calendar to follow up in a week.

5. Go on an international vacation with my new husband
Due to my financial goals, I think that Canada is the best option. Mike and I briefly discussed it, and I put it on my calendar to follow up with him.

6. Attend a Jewish service
Sadly, this is harder to do because of rampant antisemitism. Security increased at Jewish places of worship after the Tree of Life shooting, and I don't want to make anyone feel unsafe or uncomfortable in my presence. I emailed the local Reform temple (synagogue?) and asked for guidance.

7. Attend a Muslim service
I sent a similar email to a local Muslim center for guidance about how to go about attending a service or learning more without being disruptive or disrespectful. I am waiting to hear back.

8. Keep a journal daily for one year
Impossible! But I am keeping a daily magical diary for the Charm School project, so I am going to adjust to that goal.

9. Be able to do 10 full body chin-ups continuously with good form
I am canceling this, I hurt my right shoulder, and although it feels good most days, even a pushup or downward dog can reinjure it, so I am going to let go of this one.

10. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year
Impossible! But I would like to work toward this one in a smaller way. I am going to try for a shorter period of time. I am currently reading Badass Habits and I just finished rereading Atomic Habits, and I am working on establishing a meditation habit.