Thursday, July 16, 2015

End of summer megapost

 1. Become a "certified" tarot reader (after researching the "best" tarot certification organization)
 I have an idea for an oracle deck and an idea for a tarot deck, so I think creating my own deck is my new goal.

2. Read tarot cards professionally (i.e. earn $ at least once for a reading)
I created an Etsy account, and I am going to talk to the local shops about doing readings with my Halloween Oracle deck in September/October.

3. Skydive
Maybe next year.

4. Be initiated into a Wiccan or NeoWiccan coven or group (probably the semi-local ATC group)

 I went to an open full moon ritual for a local coven, and I loved it. I'm going to hang around for a year at open rituals and see what happens.

5. Buy a house COMPLETED!

6. Complete a sprint triathlon in less than 2 hours

I've been swimming a lot. I'm trying to lose a little weight before I put in too many running miles; rough on the joints. I need to get new tires on my bike.

7. Become a certified yoga instructor.
Not this year, but when I'm done with my master's

8. Start a local rabbit or rodent rescue group

 Once my kitty has gone to the sunny window in the sky, we'll see.

9. Earn my doctorate.

 Applied for an MFA program

10. Become an official Unitarian Universalist  COMPLETED!

11. Perform a wedding or handfasting

 Someday. I'm not going to force it.

12. Earn my Masters of Divinity, probably through Cherry Hill Seminary

After my MFA (or maybe after my doctorate), I will get started on this.

13. Direct a play

I have something in the works, all very tentative, for February.

14. Lead an ecstatic dance meeting

 This dance group fell apart because we couldn't afford the rent on the weekly space at the yoga studio. We still exist, but are not meeting. I am thinking of starting my own monthly ecstatic dance group, but I am going to wait until winter.

15. Publish a chapbook or book of my poetry (self-pub counts)

 I am waiting to hear back on my MFA status, but I am editing a poetry collection for a non-profit in town that we are self-publishing. I don't think it "counts" for this goal, but it is exciting!!

16. Go to the Reclaiming Spiral Dance in San Francisco

 Some year, but not this year.

17. Learn conversational Italian or French (be able to communicate at an intermediate level)

 I checked out a book with CDs from the library. I need to burn them...

18. Visit Walt Whitman's grave. Read him some poetry and leave him some lilacs.


19. Be in Mexico (ideally at la Casa Azul) for Dia de los muertos

This is a must. A must!!!! Someday.

20. Get my second dream job

I am in a new position! I don't know if it's my forever job, but I can already tell that I will be much happier there, and it will allow me to work on my MFA and excel more on the job, whereas my old position was challenging, demanding, and rewarding on many levels, but the amount of content creation in Spanish and translation/interpretation work really impeded me from accomplishing what I want to do professionally, long-term. I was busy, but I wasn't busy about the right things. I think that I may be at my dream job, but I want to wait a year to mark this off.

21. Eat food I harvested from my home garden

So far, I have planted calendula (not exactly "food"), Italian leaf parsley, tomatoes (traditional, Amish paste, and beefsteak), basil, red bell peppers, and yellow bell peppers. A friend whose community garden project went kaput gave me a ton of plants. I just need to eat one to make this goal a success. The tomatoes are tiny little green balls right now. I ate a leaf of basil once...

22. Take a ballroom (or similar) style course with a partner (for at least one month)

No progress to report.

23. Get a tattoo

 I reinstated this goal. I have 2 tattoo ideas, one that I'm getting with 2 gal friends next month, and another that I want to get with my spouse in a couple years.

24. Stay in Oaxaca for at least 3 weeks

No current plans to make this a reality.

25. Go to  Pagan Spirit Gathering  Gaea Goddess Gathering

 It's good that I didn't go to PSG this year because it got flooded out! I am leading a workshop and attending Gaea Goddess Gathering this year, so I am altering this goal to a different festival. :)

26. Make homemade vegan ravioli

 Someday soon!

27. Visit a Hindu temple

I got in touch with our local temple, but I wasn't able to go when the tour was available. Soon!

28. Write 100 blog posts (over all my sites and including guest blogs I write, not including Tumblr) completed 10/1/2014

29. Go on an international vacation with my husband

 Someday! Might need to wait till after grad school.

30. Make a will and include my church in it

I don't have many assets to speak of at the moment, but I will get to this before my 40th birthday.

31. Make a delicious vegan creme brulee CANCELLED
I'm getting real about recovering from an eating disorder, and

32. Throw a giant, insanely fun Halloween party at my own house

 Facebook invitation is out. I have a show that day, so it will be a late party, but it will be a big one!

33. Create a labyrinth (either for my use or public use)

My husband and I discussed this, and I think that a backyard labyrinth, at least a permanent one, is out of the picture. We are going to put in a brick circle instead. I may try to get my church or another group to create one. I could do a temporary labyrinth for sure, and that would still count.<--This is still the case.

34. Publish a Cross Quarterly anthology
Reinstated! I have figured out a less time intensive, more dialogue-friendly format for the zine.

35. Attend a Jewish service (respectfully) and 36. Attend a Muslim service (respectfully)


37. Complete The Artist's Way 

I'm in week 4.

38. Keep a journal with daily entries for a full year

 When I finish AW, I will start this.

39. Be able to do 10 full-body chin-ups continuously with good form

#epicfail I will be able to do this someday, but eek. Not today!<--Same!

40. Meditate daily for 20 minutes minimum for a full year

I'm still getting into a regular practice. My Insight Timer app helps keep track!<--Same